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Tulis Dari Hati, Baru Dapat Menyentuh Hati

Monday, June 24, 2019


That feeling when you're alone.
That feeling when nobody cares about you.
That feeling when you just can't take it anymore; and you wants to harm yourself.

That moment when you just want to cry.
That feeling when you don't care anymore.
That moment when you want to sink under the ground.
That feeling when you watch somebody is having fun with family, friends or somebody.

That feeling when your heart is broken.
That feeling and moment when you just want to end yourself.
That feeling when you realised that you don't have anything anymore.

It's sad to know, that we appreciate our friends more than they do.
It's sad when we're just being to extra when it come about friendship.
We're excited to see our friends, but they do not.

Tell me, show me if you really wanted me to stay because you seems fine if I'm gone.
Am I not worth it to fight anymore?


No you're wrong.

You're not worth for them.
You deserve better. Better friends, better treatment.

Don't let others people undergrade you.
Set you limit higher.

Believe me, there's a lot of people outside there that idolize you.
They just don't show up.

Everyone of you is special in your own way.
There's nothing more than that to say.
Just be what you wanna be.

So don't ever think that you're useless.
Don't ever think that you're messing things around.
Don't think you're not invited to this world.

There's always be a reason.
Why were you here, why were you born.
Fighting until you know your worth.

Sometimes you just doesn't realize how much people keep alive because of you.
How people keep fighting because of you.
How they keep strong because they have you.

Sometimes you just don't realize that.

Just dream big. Believe in yourself.
Don't rely to much on people to help.
Talk to someone. A friend or love one.
They'll help you the best they can.

Soon you'll be running across the land saying its over I'm free now.

Just because we don't talk anymore, doesn't mean that I no longer care.
Truth is, I still do.
I still do my best to check up on you, to see how you're doing.
But everytime I've the urge to talk to you, it suddenly hits me that, we're strangers.

You don't want me in your life, hence the reason why I'm no longer a part of you.
But I want you to know, that I'm still here. I'll still be here for you.

Don't hesitate to talk to me, because half the time, I wish that you were talking to me.

I just really miss your presence.
I miss you being my best friend.
I just miss you in general.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Ada dua jiwa, satu hati.
Ada satu jalan, dua pilihan.
Ada banyak akal, sikit perbuatan.

Soalnya kemana mahu dituju?

Pernah tersesat, tak jumpa jalan keluar.
Pernah tersesat, lalu kembali berpatah arah.
Pernah tersesat, terus mencuba perbaiki haluan.

Lalu kemana mahu dituju?

Jiwa yang datang, lalu menetap.
Jiwa yang datang, singgah sebentar.
Jiwa yang datang, terus berlalu pergi.

Dan arah mana mahu dituju?

Apa yang terjadi ini sumpah bukan biasa-biasa.
Ini semua aturan yang Maha Kuasa.

Kita semua ada kisah silam.
Kisah yang kita tak ingin dicoret atas helaian kain putih kita.
Tapi apa yang dah tercoret, kekal tercoret.

Apa yang dah berlaku, biarkan.
Pilihlah, untuk biarkan atau belajar daripadanya.

Apa yang akan berlaku, ianya adalah misteri.
Maka cekalkan hati melihat diri di masa akan datang.

Apa yang sedang berlaku, perbaiki.
Kerna ia yang akan mengatur masa depan kita.

Andai kata pernah terdetik yang diri ini tersilap arah, ubahlah ke arah lain.
Yang pasti kesilapan itu bukan dosa, itu adalah pengajaran hidup.

Kepada rakanku yang berubah arah, semoga berjaya di tempat baru.
Diri ini tidak lupa mendoakan kejayaanmu.

Moga tidak lupa juga keberadaanku di sini.
Meskipun banyak rintangan dan halangan, kami takkan berputus asa.
Yang tetap setia mendakap semangat dan cita-cita.
Yang tetap utuh berdiri meski ramai yang pergi.
Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya.


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