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Monday, May 20, 2019


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It's my birthday. I'm so happy that I'm growing older.
Hopefully I'll be more mature.

Just like the other years, I didn't get so much wishes and present.
Maybe because I'm not telling people around me about my birth date?
Or maybe they just don't care, like me.

From my parents, yea birthday wishes via whatsapp and KFC during dinner.
No birthday song, no cake, no candle light. Just a simple birthday party.
Actually not a party. It just a dinner, with KFC.
I enjoyed it, at least we celebrate together.

I got a gift from Najwa, sent via Poslaju. Thank you very much. I love it.
Frankly speak, I'm touched with the surprise.
Then wishes from my beloved niece, Nurul Nabilah and Kak Yang via Ig Story.
Irfan Aqil, Zul, Farahin also with Ig Story.
Zalikha Laila Asyiqeen with a part of screenshots of my text on whatsapp.
Wishes from my SBP friend Uyun, Waniey, Syaimaa, Scarlet, Izzah, Syifaa' and Amirul.
My sidekick, Habib, Harits, Amirul, Mizan and Anis Atiqah.
From my collagues, Ummi Maisarah, Afrina, Aiman, Luke, Hasya, Hawa and Chong.
My twin Alya Basyirah. Happy birthday too!

And maybe two or three people that I forgot your name, hit me up, so I can put your name here.

Thank you for all those wishes, I appreciate it. Even it just a letter 'HB'.
I remember who wished me, because those wishes' means so much for me.

I know the feeling when someone remembers your big day.
The feeling when you get a surprise or a present.
Although I don't got it often, I don't want my friends got nothing for their big day.
I'll try my best to give all of you a gift during your birthday.
If I couldn't, please noted that my prayer are always with you.


Thank you my friend :)

There were some time that I regret.
For not using every chances that I got.
I said that people leave, memories doesn't many time, yet I didn't learn from it.

Going through life, but losing hope.
Fighting with these memories, how can I cope?

They leave, maybe for a better place for them.
I'm staying here, seeing you go away.
Waiting for you to come back.

Do you remember, the day we went lunch together?
The day we're panicking to complete our assignment together?
When we so nervous to face mock-up and Caam examination?
Go to cinema, open pool, to the beach?
We enjoyed laughed so hard in class?

But it's a past story.
It'll never happen again.

It'll stay as a memory.

That were the memories that I regret.

So let bygone be bygone.
For now and the upcoming time, I hope I can spend my time well with my friend.
I want to be happy with my friends, hopefully they'll not leaving anymore.

We cry at goodbye, because the person who comes back isn't the same as person who left.


I'm sorry I'm sad.

I'm sorry I'm clingy.

I'm sorry.


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